If Sensei Bill has put your child up for Promotion...
Tutorials and
Promotion Requirements
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How To Tie The Obi (Karate Belt)
Hand Blocks 1 - 6
Required for first Tiger Stripe
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#1 – Cover then Middle Block with left hand, then right hand.
#2 – Cover then High Block with left hand, then right hand.
#3 – Cover then Down Block with left hand, then right hand.
#4 – Cover then Double Block with both hands.
#5 – Cover then Ducking Block with left hand, then right hand.
Hand Basics 1 - 6
Required for second Tiger Stripe
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#1 – C-Step in with the left foot, then punch right hand and left hand. C-Step in right foot then punch right hand and left hand. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#2 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left hand middle block then punch right hand and left hand. C-Step in right foot, cover and right hand middle block then punch with left and right hand. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#3 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left hand middle block then upper-cut right hand and left hand. C-Step in right foot, cover and right hand middle block then upper-cut with left and right hand. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#4 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left hand middle block then five punches beginning with the right hand (1, 2 pause, 3, 4 pause, 5). C-Step in right foot, cover and right hand middle block then five punches beginning with the light hand (1, 2 pause, 3, 4 pause, 5). Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#5 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left hand down block then five punches beginning with the right hand (1, 2 pause, 3, 4 pause, 5). C-Step in right foot, cover and right hand down block then five punches beginning with the left hand (1, 2 pause, 3, 4 pause, 5). Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#6 – C-Step back with the right foot, right hand down block then hook punch right hand to head and left hand to chest. C-Step back with the left foot then hook punch right hand to head and left hand to chest. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps forward.
Hand Basics 7 - 12
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#7 – C-Step in with the left foot, then left hand rising block and chop. Then Shuto chop with the right and left hands. C-Step in right foot then right hand rising block and chop. Then Shuto chop with the left and right hands. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#8 – C-Step back with the right foot into Cat Stance, cover and left hand High block, stomp the left heel down then punch right hand and left hand. C-Step back left foot, cover and right hand High Block, stomp the right heel down then punch with left and right hand. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps forward.
#9 – C-Step in with the left foot, punching down block with the right hand, cover and left hand middle block then punch right hand and left hand. C-Step in right foot, punching down block with the left hand, cover and right hand middle block then punch left hand and right hand. . Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#10 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left hand high block then punch right and left hands. C-Step in right foot, cover and right hand high block then punch left and right hands. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#11 – C-Step in with the left foot, cover and left open hand middle block (palm faces you), turn hand over and grab then spear right and left hands. C-Step in right foot, cover and right open hand middle block (palm faces you), turn hand over and grab then spear left and right hands. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
#12 – C-Step in with the left foot, right hand chop (palm down) then hook punch left and right hand to head level. C-Step in with the right foot then left hand chop (palm down) then hook punch right and left hand to head level.. Hands back into chamber and two C-Steps back.
Hand Basics 13 - 14
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#13 – C-Step in with the left foot, then left hand middle block. Then backfist with the left hand and punch with the right hand. C-Step in right foot then right hand middle block. Then backfist with the right hand and punch with the left hand. Hands in chamber and two C-Steps back.
#14 – C-Step in with the left foot and left elbow strike. Then backfist with the left hand and right hand does a rising open handed chin strike. Step in with the right foot and right elbow strike. Then backfist with the right hand and left hand does a rising open handed chin strike. Hands in chamber and two C-steps back.
Hand Basics 15
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#15 – C-Step in with the left foot, left hand hook punch. Then turn, elbow with the right hand, and backfist with the right hand. Shuffle Step in right foot right hand hook punch, then turn, elbow with the left hand, and backfist with the left hand. Hands in chamber and two C-Steps back.
Hand Basics 16
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
#16 – C-Step in with the left foot, then spin hands, left hand chop and right hand elbow. Then Step in right foot, spin hands, right hand chop and left hand elbow.. Hands in chamber and two C-Steps back.
Leg Basics 1 - 3
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
C-Step back with the right leg and raise hands to guard position
#1 – Lift right knee and Down Kick (as if popping a balloon). Lift knee again and right leg Roundhouse Kick. Lift left knee and Down Kick (as if popping a balloon). Lift knee again and left leg Roundhouse Kick. Place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
#2 – Lift right knee and Front Snap Kick. Then right leg Roundhouse Kick. Lift left knee and Front Snap Kick. Then left leg Roundhouse Kick. Place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
#3 – Pivot on the balls of the feet to the right (90 degrees) and Front Snap Kick with the right (front) leg. Right leg step across and in front of the left leg, pivot around (180 degrees) and front Snap Kick with the left (front) leg. Pivot to face the front.
Leg Basics 4 - 7
Begin in ready position, feet shoulder's width apart, with hands in chamber
C-Step back with the right leg and raise hands to guard position
#4 – Lift right knee and Front Snap Kick, then Front Thrust Kick. Step forward and lift left Knee and Front Snap Kick, then Front Thrust Kick. Place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
#5 – Lift right knee and Front Down Kick. Lift right knee again and right leg Down Side Kick, lift right knee and step forward. Lift left knee and Front Down Kick and left leg Down Side Kick. Lift left knee again, place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
#6 – Lift right knee and Front Snap Kick, then right leg Front Side Kick and step forward. Lift left knee and Front Snap Kick, then left leg Front Side Kick. Place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
#7 – Lift right knee and Crescent Kick in and out. The step forward and lift left knee and Crescent Kick in and out. Place foot down in front and two C-Steps back.
Seisan Kata
Slow and then actual speed
Seiyunchin Kata
Slow and then actual speed
Naihanchin Kata
Slow and then actual speed
Requirements for Tiger Cubs Promotion
Promotion Process
Promotions must be officiated by at least two Black Belts
Students must have their Gi with their Patch attached
We highly encourage at least one parent to attend the Promotion
Advancement within the Belt
Solid Color Stripes represent attitude and behavior
Tiger Stripes represent technical accomplishments and proper execution of techniques
Belt Progression
White – Yellow – Orange
Gi (Karate Uniform and Obi (White Belt)
Tiger Strong students must earn the right to wear a Gi and White Belt.
This typically occurs after one or two classes.
Advancements within the White Belt
First Stripe – (Green) Understanding of the correct Dojo behavior
Second Stripe – (Green) Starting to achieve correct behavior and attitude
Third Stripe – (Tiger) Learning the first 7 Blocks
Fourth Stripe – (Yellow) Behavior improvements demonstrating a marked increase in the students maturity from where the student started. When that achievement is noted in class the student is given a home evaluation letter to be given to parents. When the parents see equal improvement at home the Yellow Stripe is awarded
Fifth Stripe – (Tiger) The first 6 Hand Basics
Six Stripe – (Tiger) 3 Leg Basics
Requirements for Yellow Belt Test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements plus answering a series of simple verbal questions
Advancements within the Yellow Belt
First Stripe – (Tiger) Hand Basics 7, 8, 9
Second Stripe – (Tiger) Leg Basics 4, 5
Third Stripe (Green) similar to the Yellow Stripe as a White Belt with the additional emphasis on leadership and demonstration of the students desire to help others.
Fourth Stripe – (Tiger – optional) first half Seisan Kata
Requirements for Orange Belt Test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements plus answer a series of verbal questions
Advancements within the Orange Belt
First Stripe – (Tiger) Hand Basics 10, 11, 12
Second Stripe – (Tiger) Leg Basics 6, 7
Third Stripe – (Tiger) First or second half of Seisan Kata
Tiger Cubs Test Questions
What is the name of this karate style? — Isshin Ryu
What is the name of our school? — Tiger Strong
What is your group called? — Tiger Cubs
What is your uniform called? — Gi (Gee)
What is your belt called? — Obi (O bee)
What does Kiotsuke (Kee oh skay)- mean? — Stand up straight
What does Sensei mean? — Teacher
What does Kiai (Kee eye) mean? — Yell
What does Rei (Ray) mean? — Bow
What is the most import thing you learned from Karate?
Requirements for Tiger Paws Promotion
Promotion Process
Promotions must be officiated by at least two Black Belts
Students must have their Gi with their Patch attached
We highly encourage at least one parent to attend the Promotion
Advancement within the Belt
Solid Color Stripes represent attitude and behavior
Tiger Stripes represent technical accomplishments and proper execution of techniques
Belt Progression
White – Yellow – Orange – Green – Blue – Purple – Brown – Brown with Black Stripe – Black
Advancements within the White Belt
First Stripe – (Green) Understanding of the correct Dojo behavior
Second Stripe – (Green) Starting to achieve correct behavior and attitude
Third Stripe – (Tiger) Learning the first 9 Blocks
Fourth Stripe – (Green) Behavior improvements demonstrating a marked increase in the students maturity from where the student started. When that achievement is noted in class the student is given a home evaluation letter to be given to parents. When the parents see equal improvement at home the Yellow Stripe is awarded
Fifth Stripe – (Tiger) The first 12 Hand Basics
Six Stripe – (Tiger) 7 Leg Basics
Requirements for Yellow Belt test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements plus answer a series of verbal questions
Advancements within the Yellow Belt
First Stripe – (Tiger) 11 Blocks
Second Stripe – (Tiger) Hand Basics 13, 14
Third Stripe – (Green) similar to the Yellow Stripe as a White Belt with the additional emphasis on independent self-improvement, leadership and demonstration of the students desire to help others.
Forth Stripe – (Tiger) 9 Leg Basics
Fifth Stripe – (Tiger) Seisan Kata
Requirements for Orange Test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements plus answer a series of verbal questions.
Correct tying of Obi
Advancements within the Orange Belt
First Stripe – (Tiger) 13 Blocks
Second Stripe – (Tiger) Hand Basics 15, 16
Third Stripe – (Silver – optional) Teaching a Tiger Cub class (if schedule permits)
Forth Stripe – (Tiger) Seiyunchin Kata
Fifth Stripe – (Tiger) Counting to 10 in Japanese
Requirements for Green Belt Test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements, light sparring with the Sensei (this strongly encouraged but not mandatory) plus answer a series of verbal questions
Advancements within the Green Belt
First Stripe – (Tiger) 15 Blocks
Second Stripe – (Tiger) Naihanchi Kata
Third Stripe – (Silver) Teaching a Tiger Cub class (if schedule permits)
Forth Stripe – (Tiger) Japanese terms for the punches and kicks
Requirements for Blue Belt Test.
The ability to perform all the above requirements, light sparring with the Sensei (this strongly encouraged but not mandatory) plus answer a series of verbal questions
Tiger Paws Test Questions
All the Cubs questions plus the questions below
What does Dojo mean? — A place to learn
What one word sums up what you are trying to achieve with Karate? — Control
What is the exact translation of Karate? — Empty Hand
Who created this Karate style? — Tatsuo Shimabuku
How is our punch different? — It is one of the only karate styles that does a vertical first
Where did this Karate come from? — Okinawa
What is the literal translation of your Karate style? — One Heart Way
What does “One Heart Way” mean to you?
Why do we bow at the beginning of class? — A sign of respect to the people and the school
What are your fellow Karate students called? — Karate-Ka
Why does the patch has the shape it does? — Is the shape of the vertical fest
What do the 3 stars on the Patch mean? — Mind, Body and Spirit
Karate = Empty Hand
Isshinryu = One Heart Way
Okinawa = Birthplace of Karate
Tatsu Shimabuku = Founder of Isshinryu
School Name = Tiger Strong
Karate-Do = Way of Karate
Karate-Ka = Karate Student
Kiotsuke = Stand Up Straight
Sensei = Teacher
Dojo = A Place to Learn
Gi = Karate Uniform
Obi = Karate Belt
Rei = Bow
Kata = Karate Dance
Kiai = Karate Shout