Traditional Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate and Kobudo
Thursday’s @ 7 PM
"I am looking for motivated and dedicated people to pass the art onto"
Roy Kamen Sensei, Ninth-Degree Black Belt
I am Roy Kamen, a ninth-degree Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate black belt.
I have been trained by Okinawan Karate Master Seikichi Toguchi, a senior student of Goju-Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi, and his senior students. I have trained in this art since 1974. There are few of us still teaching.
I am looking for students who want to learn this art.
The name ‘Goju’ signifies the ‘hard-soft’ style, a distinctive feature of this art that combines strong attacks with gentle defenses, making it a fascinating and effective form of self-defense.
Our class strongly emphasizes physical fitness, utilizing the Taiso Daruma method. This unique approach, developed by martial arts masters and health professionals, is designed to enhance your physical condition and prepare your body for the rigors of real martial arts training.
The core of our practice is Kata, a martial arts routine combined with specific breathing patterns and visualization used to teach various self-defense techniques. We also teach Okinawan Kobudo civilian weaponry: Bo, Tonfa, Sai, Kama, and Nunchaku.
Rounding out the program are pre-arranged two-person drills putting into practice the self-defense movements hidden in the kata. This program is unique as we also explore the emotional and spiritual components of this traditional civilian self-defense art birthed in Okinawa as depicted in the iconic film The Karate Kid. For context, my brother, Robert Mark Kamen, wrote the screenplay.
I am Roy Kamen, a ninth-degree Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate black belt.
I have been trained by Okinawan Karate Master Seikichi Toguchi, a senior student of Goju-Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi, and his senior students. I have trained in this art since 1974. There are few of us still teaching.
Roy Kamen receiving his 9th Degree Black Belt Certificate from Okinawan Master Tetsuhiro Hokama
The name ‘Goju’ signifies the ‘hard-soft’ style, a distinctive feature of this art that combines strong attacks with gentle defenses, making it a fascinating and effective form of self-defense.
Our class strongly emphasizes physical fitness, utilizing the Taiso Daruma method. This unique approach, developed by martial arts masters and health professionals, is designed to enhance your physical condition and prepare your body for the rigors of real martial arts training.
The core of our practice is Kata, a martial arts routine combined with specific breathing patterns and visualization used to teach various self-defense techniques. We also teach Okinawan Kobudo civilian weaponry: Bo, Tonfa, Sai, Kama, and Nunchaku.
Rounding out the program are pre-arranged two-person drills putting into practice the self-defense movements hidden in the kata. This program is unique as we also explore the emotional and spiritual components of this traditional civilian self-defense art birthed in Okinawa as depicted in the iconic film The Karate Kid. For context, my brother, Robert Mark Kamen, wrote the screenplay.
I have written the book KARATE: Beneath The Surface. Please feel free to read about what I teach there.
There are no free trials for this class. There are no contracts. I need a completed application to determine if I want to take you on as a student. If you want to commit yourself, I am ready to teach.
It is best to join with a friend since you will be doing partner work, but it is not required.
Click on this link to access the Goju-Ryu Karate Class Application.
I will review your answers and reply as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
Roy Kamen, Sensei
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